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Pumping units for fire extinguishing
Pumping units for pumping large amounts of water
Pumping units for supplying water under high pressure
Pumping units 26 kW
Based on a 3-cylinder engines, power 26 kW.
With cantilever or sectional type pumps, depending on the required pressure or supply.
Operating characteristics:Flow rate (Q), m3/h: 5÷120Discharge head (H), m: 12÷245
Pumping units 60÷115 kW
Based on 4-cylinder engines, power 60÷115 kW.
With cantilever, bilateral or sectional type pumps depending on the required pressure or supply.
Operating characteristics:Flow rate (Q), m3/h: 30÷1000Discharge head (H), m: 18÷160
Pumping units 189÷200 kW
Based on 6cylinder engines, power 189÷200 kW.
With cantilever, bilateral or sectional type pumps depending on the required pressure or supply.
Operating characteristics:Flow rate (Q), m3/h: 70÷2300Discharge head (H), m: 12÷210
Pumping units of our production
Fire fighting units S
Compact pumping units of low power
Fire fighting units M
Pumping units for pumping water under high pressure
Fire fighting units L
Pumping units for pumping large volumes of water
To get the best offer on the Ukrainian market, just apply through the form below. We will contact you and solve your irrigation issues and select the best pump installation configuration for your irrigation system, area and water intake features.